中国东北五常最优质的水稻产区—民乐乡,自然资源呈“六山一水半草二分半田”分布。地形地貌复杂,有山区、丘陵区和平原区,地跨第一、第二、第三、第四四个积温带,属中温带大陆性季风气候,年平均气温3.6°C,无霜期115天至139天之间,平均降水量608毫米,日照时数2629 小时,常年积温2600°C-2700°C。得天独厚的地理条件,温和的气候,丰沛的雨量,优质的水源,丰饶肥沃的土壤孕育了五常的优质大米,米粒饱满,外观晶莹剔透,光滑油润,米饭鲜甜可口为大米中的优良米种。


Mingle township is the highest quality rice producing area in Wuchang city of northeast China. The natural resource here is called “mountain of a water-half grass and two and a half of six fields”, which means the topography is varied and complicated with mountains, hills and plains. In the continental monsoon climate area of temperate zone, this district is 3.6°C annual temperature, annual frost-free period of 115-139days, annual precipitation of 608 millimeters , annual average sunshine of 2629 hours and total accumulative temperature of 2600-2700°C. On account of unique geographical condition, mild climate, abundant rainfall, clean water and fertile soil, the Wuchang rice is extremely great with full, crystal clear and fresh rice grain.

Our company was commissioned for designing new rice bag package and inspired by the “mountain of a water-half grass and two and a half of six fields”. Package is telling a production process from beginning to the end, which including seeding, sprouting, transplanting, harvesting and threshing. Keep to the slogan “coming home and eating a reassuring bowl of rice”, the package is explaining the natural Wuchang daohuaxiang Rice from illustration, typeface and material.

Coming home and eating a reassuring bowl of rice----Zhenmi Home



